For me, astrology is a jumping-off tool for understanding our spirit's journey through this unique lifetime. Astrology assumes that we reincarnate. It illustrates where we're coming from and where we're headed, whether consciously or not. Steering by and with the stars allows for a profound validation and sometimes specific guidance for addressing current challenges and options for growth. I jokingly have described my work as "spying on God for you," because key events, places, and the people in our life are "scheduled", and if you have accurate birth information, we can see the lessons coming and going and pace ourselves in accord with the unique timing of what life is asking of us NOW. Since reality is never trying to hurt our feelings, it can ease the process to understand the timing and to observe which archetypes are currently working us. The planets were said, by seer Edgar Cayce, to be the Archangels themselves, assisting us in the process of living and learning and fulfilling our individual & collective destinys, our karmic debts & contracts, ie, where our souls rub up against other souls in order to grow.
If you're feeling overwhelmed or are standing at an important crossroads, you might appreciate a bit of orientation with compassion, some levity and without judgement. Astrology is truly democratic. All the archetypal signs and seasons fill out the rounding wheel of existence, and the cycles are reliable. My world is very animated. I experience Creator God/Goddess All That Is, with the Sun and Moon as its living, always nearby presence. As if the Earth and all her creatures are their children. This tool for me, its origins and mythic dimensions keeps me curious about the "plan" and map that our astrological mandala represents.
Astrological archetypes and the planetary cycles that are in operation 24/7, do not require faith to be readily observed in the life of the individual, as well as the collective, but it really seems to help when translated via "star logic". 47 years ago, I began my practice of holding up the mirror for another's soul, and testing the birth-time if it isn't accurate. I remain in awe of the gift of this reliable insight tool, and I am flexible with my fees depending upon individual circumstances too, so please feel free to ask.
- 30 min "brush up" is a transit-specific session, or a new baby's chart is $80
- 60 min transits & progressions update is $160
- 60 min Solar Return = "the lay of the land" for the coming year is $160
- 75 min transits & progressions update is $170
- 90 min Update or Natal chart interpretation, w/transits & major progressions is $205
- 2 hour astrology sessions are $320
- Relationship/compatibility sessions are 90-120 min for $320
- The Whole Enchilada: astrology update & tarot reading, 2 hrs for $320
- Motherpeace Tarot readings are $160 for 60-75 minutes
Includes recording & photos of your cards.
If you'd like to make an appointment, you'll send me your birth information via email to:
Please include your current NAME, your BIRTHDATE, your RECORDED BIRTH-TIME, your BIRTHPLACE and current locale (city & state), so I can accurately update things for you. We will arrange an appointment via US phone or Zoom . Your session is recorded, and the astrological graphics are sent ahead of the session for visual accompaniment. Payments are invoiced via Zelle or Paypal. Zelle is only available from an enrolled US bank to my US Bank enrolled Zelle account. A 24-hour cancellation notice is needed, barring an emergency. My "no-show" fee is $80 if you miss your confirmed time.